Photographic reportage in the Parque National do Jericoacoara Brasil.

A unique and magical experience to be able to live among the white dunes of the desert and the blue waters of the ocean.

Some of these photos are included in the book  "Dune 2° 48' 46. 0" S 40° 25' 18. 9"W di Camilla Mosconi available worldwide


Curiosity as research and experience. Certainties. Thoughts. Emotions.
But above all answers. A trip is all this and even more. Indelible details resulting from an ecstatic and unrepeatable moment.
Grandiose architecture, with an ancient and mysterious flavour: this is the aspect of dreams. Yet "At the End of the World" is not a story. Nor even a news story. Rather the journey of Camilla, a young photographer from Milan. The journey of a lifetime. She is full of talent. She has great, great intuition.
And a good dose of recklessness, which she never spoils. Camilla looked up at the sky. Discovering a whole new world for us.
Francesco Mutti
exibition in Pietrasanta - Lucca Italy 2014


The young photographer Camilla Mosconi tackles the world above our heads with these shots. The calm chaos of cables, wires, buildings, pipes, linear structures that attract the gaze of the photographer who explains how by looking at them you can feel a sense of calm that we would always find in the same way every day. That chaos remains there, motionless, above us. The artist's constant travels inevitably lead to a search for the diversity that that chaos has in the different countries of the world, such as the incense in a temple in Hong Kong or the clotheslines that protrude from dizzyingly high buildings, the scaffolding of bamboo canes, the a thousand cables and wires that get tangled above the heads of the already chaotic Indians. The search will probably never end, because in those images she manages to find ever new shapes and lines that fascinate her so much every time that she continues to walk with her gaze raised.


The photographs are for sale limited number, printed on aluminum supports of variable sizes.


Nei pressi di Chiavari, viene fabbricata una particolare sedia dal nome “Chiavarina”. Fu Gaetano Descalzo, detto il Campanino, ad idearne i primi modelli intorno alla fine del ‘700. Queste particolari sedie sono estremamente leggere, dato la singolare struttura che si avvale di speciali incastri e di leggere pagliature in trafilato di Canna d’India. Alcune Chiavarine possono trovarsi decorate con applicazioni in foglia d’oro.

La Protagonista degli scatti iniziò il suo viaggio dal bis nonno. Legata ai ricordi d’infanzia della famiglia dell’artista, è sempre stata guardata non come una sedia comune, ma come "un'identità” a parte, esile e leggera poteva rompersi e così nessunò la potè mai usare. È nato tutto da qui, l’artista infatti ha voluto far vivere a quella sedia un viaggio che non ebbe mai avuto occasione di fare; donandogli così, di nuovo, il nome di Protagonista e una esperienza vissuta tramite le tante persone coinvolte dal progetto fotografico.


A hand can rest on a heart, light as a feather, heavy as a boulder...

A hand that lightly caresses us, cutting us into our memories...

A hand that pushes us to seek our path... A hand that saves us as we fall into the darkest darkness... A hand that cuddles us like a mother hugging her child... The hand of a mother that accompanies you for a stretch of your road...

A hand that creates extraordinary drawings, that paints our life with slightly happier colors... A hand that leans on our shoulder to tell us that she is there... A hand of a father who accompanies his daughter in the tender world of dreams, holding her because he knows that she is afraid of losing him... A hand from a father who teaches you your future, a hand from a friend who takes you so you don't lose your way home... A hand ... Yours... On which is your story... your mistakes, your joys, your loves, your disappointments, your past... Your future.